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Showing posts from June, 2020
The U.S. Constitution as a Psychological Study           For many people, reading through the U.S. Constitution seems like nothing but a dry list of administrative procedure.  Beneath it all, however, is a psychological barrier designed to prevent individuals from using this government to rule over the people.  To achieve this goal, the writers had to counteract the attitudes, reasons and excuses used by various rulers and monarchs in the past.           For centuries, royalty was the most commonly accepted form of government.  This came with numerous reasons why certain individuals should have 'power' over the people, most notably wealth and titles of importance.  On that point, the founders of this country got into the heads of old rulers and decided government didn't need such a flashy show.  By allowing Americans to ignore money and fancy titles, the founders called the bluff on royalty.  Building on thi...